Below you will find all the presentations made during the 2nd International Symposium on Cocoa Research held from December 5 to 7, 2022 in Montpellier, France.
Click on each speaker/title to access their presentation.
8 h – 9 h Enregistrement
OPENING CEREMONY (Inaugural session)
9 h – 10 h Welcome speeches
“Cocoa agroforestry at ofi: An opportunity for ecologically, economically and socially resilient landscapes”
Dr Léonie Bonnehin-Verrier, West Africa Cocoa Agroforestry Head
11:00 – 11:30 Pause cacao
AUDITORIUM PASTEUR – Plenary session
Session 1 – Cocoa Cultivation: Innovative Approaches and Practices for Sustainable Production
“Maoyé, a Bayer initiative for a certified cocoa”
Aaron Tepperman, Global Partnerships Senior Manager, Value Chain Development
Bayer West-Central Africa Video
Farmer living incomes
- Christopher L. Gilbert – The impact on farmers of the cocoa Living Income Differential, SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins University
- Yuca Rosalinde Waarts – How to achieve a living income for different types of cocoa and coffee farming families?, Wageningen University and Research
- Ludovic Temple – Sustainable competitiveness of the cocoa sector in Ecuador: issues of integrated socio-ecological governance, CIRAD
- Maja Slingerland – Standardization of Living Income benchmarking and knowledge gaps in farmer income assessment in cocoa farming. How to proceed?, Wageningen University and Research
- Hammond Mensah – Service delivery models in the West African cocoa sector: is a smart mix able to close the income gap for cocoa farmers in a responsible and sustainable manner?, Solidaridad
12:40 –14:00 Déjeuner
Soil fertility & fertilizers
- Rich Kofi Kofituo – Processes for knowledge transfer and related efficiencies: A case of the CocoaSoils, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Lotte Suzanne Woittiez – The CocoaSoils nutrient offtake model: preliminary results from on-farm trials, Wageningen University and Research
- Thomas Fungenzi – Evaluating long term soil organic matter dynamics of cocoa farms in Indonesia, Cranfield University
- Deo-Gratias J. M. Hougni – The role of litter decomposition in nutrient cycling in cocoa, Wageningen University and Research
- Ekatherina Vasquez – Innovative data collection in collaborative cocoa fertilizer trials, Wageningen University and Research
- Leonard Rusinamhodzi – A stepwise approach to achieve the best agronomic management practices and sustainable fertilizer use in West African cocoa production, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
- Joost van Heerwaarden – Multi-locational nutrient response trials for the development of cocoa fertilizer recommendations, Wageningen University and Research
16:00 – 17:10 Pause cacao
17:10 – 18:00 POSTER SESSION – Click here to see poster presenters
Parallel session 1 – Cocoa Cultivation: Innovative Approaches and Practices for Sustainable Production (Continued)
Pest and disease
- Jacqueline Mary Barnett – Development of immunoassays to detect Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus, University of West of England,
- Marcos Javier Ramos Chera – A novel method for estimating pest and diseases related yield loss in cacao pods in the Peruvian Amazonia, CIRAD
- Régis Babin – The « BarCo » project: for the promotion of barrier crops to curb the expansion of the Cocoa swollen shoot virus in Côte d’Ivoire, CIRAD
- Dr. Uilson Vanderlei Lopes – Preventive development and testing of clones resistant to Frosty Pod Rot in Brazil, Cacao Research Center (CEPEC/CEPLAC)
- Mónica Arias – Several enemies at the same time: interaction between two cocoa pod diseases and a cocoa pod borer and their impact in Peruvian agroforestry systems, CIRAD, INRAE
- Lina Tennhardt – How does labour availability influence pesticide use on cocoa farms?, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
- Ade Rosmana – Composted plant residue amendments in integration with Trichoderma asperellum suppresses above-ground diseases and improves the growth of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), Hasanuddin University
10 h – 10h30 Pause cacao
Good Agricultural practices
- Kam Rigne Laossi – Impact of pruning intensities on cocoa tree productivity, pest (mirids) and disease (black pod disease) infestations on farmer field trials in Côte d’Ivoire, ofi
- Stéphane N’Dah Konan – DEXiCacao: a new tool to assess the overall sustainability of cocoa-based cropping systems, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
- Luis Orozco Aguilar – The MOCCA project – Cocoa pod survivorship curves to improve yield forecasting method, Lutheran World Relief
- Arun Kumar Pratihast – Digital tools and Ontology: A collaborative pathway for managing & sharing cocoa data, Wageningen University and Research
- Tatiana Inés Restrepo Quiroz – Development of new cacao elite cultivars for the sustainability and competitiveness of the supply chain in Colombia, Compañía Nacional de Chocolates S.A.S
- Celine Diaz – Effectiveness of biostimulants as a sustainable solution for improving production of cocoa trees in Ecuador: enhancing flowering and fruit setting to improve final number of pods, weight and yield by tree, Agritecno Fertilizantes S.L.
12h30 – 14 h Lunch break
Botany/Genetics, breeding
- Renaud Boulanger – Genetic bases of fruity and flora aroma of the Nacional cocoa variety, CIRAD
- Christian Cilas – How many years of evaluation are needed to select new productive cocoa clones?, CIRAD
- David Guest – Mapping candidate genes for resistance to Vascular-streak dieback disease of cocoa, University of Sydney
- Boguinard Sahin Honorine Brigitte Guiraud – Breeding of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) genotypes tolerant/resistant to cocoa swollen shoot virus (CSSVs) in cocoa orchards infected by the disease in Côte d’Ivoire, CNRA
- Claire Lanaud – Past domestication of T. cacao in Latin America revealed by paleogenomics and analysis of methylxanthines, CIRAD
- Ramesh S.V. – Transcriptomic response of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) genotypes to water-deficit stress: Implications for drought tolerance, ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
- Evelyn Kulesza – Unwrapping the Chocolate Transcriptome: The gene expression atlas of the tropical crop Theobroma cacao, Penn State University
16 h – 16h30 Pause cacao
- Alexis Zambrano – Genetic origin of Venezuelan cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), Universidad Central de Venezuela
- Yves-Laurent Brou Assoua – Drone-based estimation of trees biophysical parameters in complex cocoa-based agroforestry systems, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny
17h10 – 18 h POSTER SESSION – Click here to see poster presenters
Parallel session 2 – Sustainable Cocoa and Climate Change: The way forward through Mitigation and Adaptation
Overview and Intro
- Wiebke Niether – The contribution of cocoa agroforestry on yields, soil, pests, biodiversity and climate change: a multi-dimensional meta-analysis, University of Giessen
- Fiona Lahive – The importance of empirical data in accounting for the long-term and interactive effects of climate change on cocoa, University of Reading.
- Alina Gainsay-Bogdan –Towards a climate-smart dynamic cocoa cropping calendar?, Climate42
- Maja Slingerland – Using the Cool Farm Tool and Perennial crop model used to benchmark the climate change mitigation potential of cocoa systems, Wageningen University and Research
10 h – 10h30 Pause cacao
Physiology of cocoa and climate
- Sandrine Okayo Minakou – Leaf density, adult vegetative vigor and flushing intensity as relevant criteria for evaluating drought resistance of cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao L.), CNRA.
- Bénédicte Rhoné – Deciphering the genetic basis of adaptation to environment in T. cacao using resequenced genome, CIRAD
- Julian Fernando Mateus-Rodriguez – Combined effects of elevated [CO2] and increased temperatures on cacao reproductive development, University of Reading
- Dominique Dessauw – Agronomic and economic performances of improved cacao clones under different agro-ecological conditions in Costa Rica, CATIE/CIRAD
- Surja Chakrabarti – Exploiting the cocoa genetic variation for flowering time and pod development period for climate adaptation: relationship to selected yield components, Cocoa Research Centre, The University of The West Indies
- Antonio Jesús Ariza Salamanca – Vulnerability of cocoa-based agroforestry systems to climate change in West Africa, University of Cordoba
- Viviana Ceccarelli – Climate change impact on cultivated and wild cacao in Peru and the search for climate change tolerant propagation material, Bioversity International
12h30 – 14 h Lunch break
Parallel session 3 – Innovations to support the cocoa processing & market development
Cocoa by-products
Keynote Speaker Session 3: Andrea Doucet Donida – Cacao Barry Global Brand Leader
- Anna Laven – Juicy beans: an integrated concept towards cocoa pulp use and living income, independent consultant in chocolate & cacao
- Thomas Bickel Haase – Influence of origin and thermal processing on the aroma quality of cocoa fruit pulp for it use as a food Ingredient, Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV
- Simeon Deo Hannes Human – Consumer perceptions of the circular economy and the Ivorian cocoa value chain, Royal Agricultural University
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee-break
Digital tools
- Martin Notaro – Characterisation of the digital divide and assessment of the impact of the use and non-use of digital tools in the Ivorian cocoa sector, CIRAD
- Neil Slettehaugh – Applying computer vision to cocoa bean cut test images: towards an efficient and accessible tool for evaluating physical quality Cocoa of Excellence, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
17:10 – 18:00 POSTER SESSION – Click to see poster presenters Séance 2 – Séance 3
19:00 Dîner de gala au Domaine des Grands Chais
Parallel session 2 – Sustainable Cocoa and Climate Change: The way forward through Mitigation and Adaptation (Continued)
Climate Smart Cocoa:
- Ebagnerin Jérôme Tondoh – Changes in key soil health indicators in cocoa landscapes around Tene Forest Reserve, Université Nangui Abrogoua
- Andrew James Daymond – A physiological model to quantify impacts of climate change variables on cocoa productivity, University of Reading
- Jean-Michel Harmand – Afforestation of savannah using cocoa agroforestry: impacts on ecosystem services and effects of associated tree species on soil fertility, CIRAD
- Christian Andres– Dynamic agroforestry – a tool for successful smallholder-grown cocoa in times of climate uncertainty, ETH Zurich / Obrobibini Peace Complex
- Johanna Rueegg – Cocoa and by-crop yields in three organic production systems entering mature stage, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
- Evelyne Marise Assi – Perception of climate change and adaptations of cocoa producers in the Divo production area, Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA)
- Antoine Kouamé Kouadio – Fish farming as a way for diversifying sources of income in the cocoa sector in Ivory Coast, APDRA Pisciculture Paysanne
10 h – 10h30 Pause cacao
Social Ecological Interactions and Climate
- Bonna Antoinette Tokou – Accompanying research on strategies for income improvement of farming families and sustainable cocoa production in Côte d’Ivoire, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
- Marieke Sassen – Variation in environmental risks from cocoa expansion and intensification in West Africa requires context specific responses, Wageningen University and Research
- Renée Brunelle – Implementing agroforestry systems in cocoa production as climate change adaptation methods – Case study from Ivory Coast, SOCODEVI
- Dietmar Stoian – Diversity, resilience and market orientation: A private-sector driven approach to cocoa agroforestry in Ghana, CIFOR-ICRAF
- Sholahuddin Akbar – Analysis of farmers income on various cocoa intercroping patterns in Indonesia, Indonesian, Coffee And Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI)
12h30 – 14 h Lunch break
Parallel session 3 – Innovations to support the Cocoa Processing & Market Development (Continued)
Origin, Genetics, Quality and flavour evaluation
- Christina Rohsius – Quality of traded raw cocoa: origin specific variation, correlations of quality determining factors and development of a “cocoa quality system, Rausch Management, Cocoa and Research
- Ban Koffi Louis & Mrs Kassi Dorine – Physical, aromatic and sensory evaluation of cocoa beans developed by agricultural research in Côte d’Ivoire and improvement of harvesting activities and quality of cocoa beans during primary processing activities – Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA)
- Ariza Budi Tunjung Sari – Virgin cocoa butter from modified cocoa bean processing, Indonesian, Coffee And Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI)
- Dolores Ixmucané Alvarado Rupflin – Development of cocoa physical reference samples for training and calibration of sensory evaluation panels: perspectives from a range of food products, Cocoa of Excellence, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
- Fernando Antonio Teixeira Mendes – First sensory map of cocoa almonds in the State of Pará, Brazil, CEPLAC
- Lisa Ullrich – Decoding the fine flavour properties of dark chocolates, Zurich – University of Applied Sciences
10 h – 10h30 Pause cacao
- Gideon Ramtahal – The effect of soil and foliar Zn and Mn application on the uptake of Cd levels in cacao grown on Cd-rich soils, Cocoa Research Centre
- Erik Smolders – Is chocolate consumption truly enhancing dietary cadmium intake in the general population? A Belgian consumption survey, KU Leuven
- Carlos Alberto Adarme Duran – Ureolytic bacteria that induce carbonate precipitation from cocoa farms in Santander, Colombia: cadmium distribution, isolation and application of rhizobacteria, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Francisco Miguel Menendez-Burns – Metal Transporters involved in Cd uptake and distribution in cacao: gene function, evolution, and expression, Penn State University
- Eduardo Francisco Chavez – Agronomic countermeasures for reducing cadmium (Cd) uptake in cacao plantations in Ecuador, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
- Caleb Lewis – Understanding cadmium accumulation in cacao and its implications for developing tools for mitigation of cadmium in cocoa beans, Cocoa Research Centre and Department of Life Sciences
12h30 – 14 h Lunch break
“Opportunities for Shared Services in the Cocoa Value Chain”
Kingsley Mbah – Senior Manager, Advisory and Capital Market
14 h – 15h30 Présentation des rapports de séance
15h30 – 16h30 Discussions
16h30 – 17 h Pause cacao
17 h – 18 h Closing Remarks of the 2nd ICSR, suggestions for the next ISCR